Can Someone Be Allergic To Eggs
People with an allergic reaction to eggs may also have reactions to the proteins in milk soy or peanuts. Consult your doctor if you suspect you are allergic to eggs and to determine whether you can eat any form of eggs or foods that contain eggs. People With Egg Allergies Should Avoid These Foods And Ingredients Egg Allergy Common Food Allergies Food Allergies Kids Brown eggs come from the exact same chickens that white eggs do. Can someone be allergic to eggs . The immune system can recognize the egg protein as foreign and result in an acute sometimes severe allergic reactions. Only the milk allergy is more common in people than the egg allergy. 3 Responses to How can people be allergic to brown eggs but not white. Its component testing that can determine if you are allergic to the protein that is a minor allergen for example or changes shape when baked. In extreme cases a respiratory reaction to eggs can block your airways and interfere with breathing. Make sure your egg