
Showing posts with the label needs

Your Body Needs Carbohydrates Because They

Carbohydrates are broken down by the body into glucose which can be absorbed into the bloodstream. When you consume carbohydrates your body converts them to glucose then to glycogen. Need Carbs And As Always It S About Moderation Carbs Dog Food Recipes Natural Health Tips During digestion sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars. Your body needs carbohydrates because they . The sugars and starches from food metabolize in the body to be used as a source of energy. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy. Despite their bad PR carbohydrates boast many health benefits. Despite their bad rap carbohydrates are vital to your health for a number of reasons. Carbohydrates are important to your health for several reasons. All carbohydrates provide energy when theyre digested but they affect your body in different ways. Your body can tap into these reserves if it needs to if you stop giving it carbs. Many studies have proven that a long-term low-carbohydrate