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Bladder Infection Chills

A high temperature fever of 38C 1004ºF or above. Chills If a bladder infection goes unnoticed or ignored for a long time it may ascend further up the urinary tract and infect the kidneys. Diagnostic Hallmarks Of Urinary Tract Infection Medical Laboratory Observer This if untreated for a long. Bladder infection chills . Fever is a natural reaction to foreign microbes invading the kidneys. Sharp or dull pains in your lower stomach can be a bladder infection symptom. Pain in your sides or back. UTI symptoms include pain abdominal pain mild fever urinary urgency. Emuaid Defeats Severe Scabies Fast. Characterized by chills rapid breathing increased heart rate or dizziness sepsis occurs when the infection from the urinary bladder spreads into the bloodstream. Kidney infection caused by bacteria is marked by sudden chills and fever pain nausea and urinary issues. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms chills fati