
Showing posts with the label vasectomies

Are Vasectomies 100 Effective

That puts the rate at a comparative level to tubal ligation. But relax vasectomy failures are rarevery rare. Vasectomy Treatment Information Urology Care Foundation Here are a few reasons why vasectomies might fail. Are vasectomies 100 effective . As mentioned before there is a risk of pregnancy post-vasectomy but. Vasectomies are almost 100 effective at preventing pregnancy but not right away. Urologists and family practitioners perform vasectomy procedures. Youll still have erections and ejaculate but your semen wont contain sperm. Vasectomies are almost 100 effective at preventing pregnancy but not right away. Your doctor will use one of many techniques that he knows from experience will be effective and appropriate to use for his patients. It doesnt affect your sex drive or ability to enjoy sex. And its extremely effective at preventing pregnancy almost 100. But the number is far lower than the rates of pregnancy among couples using condoms or oral contracepti