Testicular Cord
Intermittent testicular torsion is also called ITT or chronic testicular torsion. Testicular ultrasound or sonogram is often helpful in the diagnosis of testicular pain. Groin Pain Etiology Spermatic Cord And Testicular Causes Springerlink The cord that runs up and down to connect the testicle MIGHT be a cremastory muscle but might also be the spermatacord or blood supply veins. Testicular cord . Testicular cord synonyms testicular cord pronunciation testicular cord translation English dictionary definition of testicular cord. Testicle pain that comes. This causes a restriction in blood flow to the testes severe pain and possibly READ MORE. The cord formed by the ductus deferens and its associated structures extending from the deep inguinal ring through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. Typically testicular torsion is a condition that is more common in young men usually those under age 25 years. Look it up now. The spermatic cord carries blood from the abdomen