
Showing posts with the label daughter

My 13 Year Old Daughter Has Bad Body Odor

My 10 year old daughter had bad body odor. Usually it is diagnosed by a heel stick on a newborn child. 10 Ways To Help Your Stinky Teen Beat Body Odor Underlying Medical Conditions. My 13 year old daughter has bad body odor . My daughter is complaining of her right lower side. In the last couple of months her body odor has gotten very bad especially by the end of the day. Hopefully your child has been checked out for phenolketonuria. The musky acrid smell hit her every time she walked past her 13-year-old sons doorway. This is why a child who is constipated can have more smelly gas compared to a child who has daily soft bowel movements. I did also notice that she had blackheads on her nose and she did have a couple of pubic hairs. Body odor is not a severe condition to stress about. My 13 year old daughter has extreme underarm odor. Initially we were terribly concerned and the GP referred her to the pedriatricians at the local hospital - it seemed no one really kn