Groin Smells Like Cheese
Mix in all that yeast and bacteria and youve got yourself a top shelf mix. However a new or different odor can represent an infection. 10 Reasons Your Sweat Smells Like Vinegar One solution would be to try a penis health cream health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil containing vitamin A which is a natural antibacterial and can help to eliminate odors from the penis and groin area. Groin smells like cheese . Body odor within 30 minutes of showering or bathing. This area tends to be warm has an area of skin to skin contact and is sweaty as well. In some people however the smell may seem more like moldy mixed with a hint of acrid or sour odor. Something that you may have smelled if youve ever taken a whiff of stale bread. Using an anti-fungal powder in the area can help prevent yeast infections and moistness in the area from recurring. Doctors can diagnose bromhidrosis by. The rash is very raw and red and like glazed. Many odors in the groin can be a normal produ