
Showing posts with the label exstrophy

Bladder Exstrophy Images

In epispadias the urethra does not form properly. Exstrophy means turned inside out. Bladder Exstrophy Since the bladder is exposed to the outside urine constantly trickles onto the skin which may cause irritation. Bladder exstrophy images . The exstrophy-epispadias complex comprises a spectrum of congenital abnormalities that includes classic bladder exstrophy epispadias cloacal exstrophy and several variants. In exstrophy there is a failure of midline closure from the umbilicus to the perineum resulting in bladder mucosa continuity with the abdominal skin separation of the pubic symphysis and epispadias or bifid genitalia. Sosa Olavarría MD F. Represents a spectrum of genitourinary malformations ranging in severity from epispadias to classical bladder exstrophy and exstrophy of the cloaca. Bladder exstrophy - Nguyen Ha MD Eva Racanska MDPhD. Note the appearance of the bladder mucosa indicating chronic inflammation. Bladder exstrophy also called classic exstrophy...