
Showing posts with the label mollusk

Skin Mollusk

They can be itchy but they do not hurt. Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral infection especially in children. Molluscum Contagiosum Pictures Symptoms Causes Treatment Patient A person may have anywhere from a few to a hundred or more mollusca. Skin mollusk . However the majority of species live in the ocean. Treating molluscum may clear the skin more quickly. Molluscum contagiosum or water warts is a contagious eruption of glossy pink warts on the surface of the skin. MC is generally a harmless condition that normally gets better in a few months without any specific treatment. A few people continue to have bumps for longer. In a few people the skin looks lighter in the places where mollusca have been. Occasionally the skin next to a lump molluscum becomes infected with germs bacteria. When molluscum is starting to go away it usually becomes pinker in color. Suffer from both adults and children. Eczema may develop around the molluscum. However the bump