Red Bumps Under Belly Button
Red Bumps on Stomach That Itch When one has red bumps on stomach that itch it is possible for one to be suffering from hives. If you notice redness around your belly button pus draining from the wound and have pain below your belly button you should speak to a doctor. Pimple On Stomach Causes Treatment And Prevention However sometimes medical attention is required. Red bumps under belly button . These cysts usually develop on irritated or injured skin. People with diabetes are at a higher risk for all types of infections. Candidiasis in your belly button causes a red itchy rash on your belly button and may also cause a thick white discharge. The protruding lump can have a unique feel about it it all depends on what triggered its emergence. The belly button is prone to infections after piercing therefore you should take precautions to prevent belly button infections. Sometimes an infection in your belly button can result in a brownish or yellowish discharge. Normal