Medical Term For Body Odor
Coal gas Carbon monoxide. The major sources are the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Body Odor Young Men S Health Occasional abnormal body odor may be a temporary effect of a metabolic change such as fruity breath in diabetic ketoacidosis. Medical term for body odor . For some people though body odor is a constant problem caused by a medical condition not an hour on the treadmill or a skipped dose of underarm deodorant. Bromhidrosis is a medical condition that causes extreme body odor. It may not be offensive in nature and is sometimes described as pleasant. A leading researcher on body odor says his preliminary research has identified distinct scents from women with ovarian cancer and diabetes. When a body gives off a scent others may find unpleasant it is known as body odor. Medical professionals use it to describe an odor that mimics more than just poop. Sweat itself is almost odorless but the combination of sweat with skin bacteria can produce an offensive o...